Starcraft 2 Map Editor Crack

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  1. Starcraft 2 Legacy Of The Void Map Editor Crack
  2. Starcraft 2 Map Editor Cracked
  3. Starcraft 2 Map Editor Crack Version
  4. Starcraft 2 Map Editor Crack Download


The StarCraft II Editor (also known as 'Galaxy Map Editor') is the map editor for StarCraft II. It was made publicly available starting in the beta in April 2010. Including modules enabling the editing of Data fields, Triggers and Terrain, the StarCraft II Map Editor improves upon its predecessor, the World Editor from Warcraft III, in every way.

All our StarCraft II development tools are in your hands. When you install the free StarCraft II Starter Edition, you also get the StarCraft II Editor (theres a shortcut in your Start menu). Fire it up, make your own maps and mods, and share them with the world (...). If you want to learn more about how to get the most out of the editor, check out the tutorials below.

Blizzard Tutorials: Getting started[edit]

The must anticipated release of the StarCraft 2 Editor has many of us quitting our most dearest for a moment and see what new and exciting features this tool has in store for us. To our surprise, Blizzard has included in the Galaxy Editor the ability to import legacy StarCraft and WarCraft III maps. Now we can expect to see those old time favourites make a return once more in shiny. Starcraft 2 Campaign crack???? Started by nightmare3. 11 / 11262 by DarkMatter1975 May 02, 2011, 01:01:54 PM: SC2 & Map Editor Crack.

To fully understand the SC2-Editor, you will need time and basic programming skills (IF ... else). However, getting started is easy. Blizzard created a tutorial, which will create a new Map from the scratch. It is strongly recommended to start with these tutorials before you want to create your own Map (or Mod).

Starcraft 2 map editor crack version
Terrain Module
Our first map making tutorial introduces you to the ins and outs of the StarCraft II editor’s terrain module.
Trigger Module
Learn to use the Trigger Module by creating Triggers to handle victory, defeat, and scripted in-game events.
If you want to play your map online with other players, or if you want others to be able to use your mod in their maps, it must be published to Note: A 'Starter Edition' will not do. You need to buy SC2 to publish Maps or Mods.
Data Module
In this tutorial, we will go over ways to modify existing data including modifying unit health, armor, starting energy, adding and removing existing abilities to units, and modifying weapon firing rates and damage.
Actor cheats
This tutorial is not needed in the beginning. You need a basic understanding, what 'Actor' means (SC2-Editor). You may choose to fully understand all other tutorials. With Patch 1.4.0, modders can now use actor cheats to create and manipulate actors on the fly while running a test map from the editor. This is useful for quickly testing ideas without having to set up data or execute triggers.
Missile Movers
This tutorial probably is not needed in the beginning. Missiles are typically used to configure missile-based attacks, but the underlying motion can also be used to drive a reaper's body when it jumps or a spine crawler's tentacle when it attacks.


Every mission within the Campaign was created by using the SC2-Editor. You can open every Campaign Map and check out every aspect (Terrain, Triggers, Regions and so on) of it.



Starcraft 2 Legacy Of The Void Map Editor Crack

  • All unit abilities will be data driven, enabling great freedom when designing unit abilities.
  • Every game database file is exposed for modification. The trigger editor features the ability to define custom functions and libraries.
  • Galaxy maps are capable of holding thousands of triggers, locations and doodads. It will make all the triggers in the program available to mapmakers.

Starcraft 2 Map Editor Cracked


Starcraft 2 Map Editor Crack Version

  • Climate graphical effects will be available in the map editor.
  • The map editor will support text color.
  • Lightning effects can be adjusted.


  • A number of tile sets will be available, such as wasteland (Mar Sara), volcanic (Char), twilight (Shakuras), space platforms, jungle and desert. A few new ones will also be available, such as a new Shattered City tile set.
  • Terrain can be mixed and matched; you can define your own tile set in the editor. The terrain textures can be blended, so that a jungle can smoothly transition into a desert. Doodads such as traps can be freely added to any tile set. Maximum map size will be fixed at 256 x 256 and sizes of 32 to 256 are available. Map size can be artificially restricted by controlling the camera, preventing units from entering 'off-screen' terrain or building there.
  • Water (and lava) levels are adjustable.
  • There is no auto-mirror function.


Starcraft 2 Map Editor Crack Download

  • Unit coloring and neutral units will be supported in the editor. Blizzard is adding and modifying unit models which will not even be in single-player to make them accessible to models.
  • Many of the units and abilities that may not end up in the final version of the game, will still be accessible by modders. However, units that have been cut completely from the game will not be in the editor.
  • Some single-player-only units will be in the map editor. The tauren marine will be in the map editor.
  • Units can be 'attached' to other units, and units can even be used as special attacks (for instance, modifying spore crawlers to launch banelings as an anti-ground attack).
  • Heroes can carry items in StarCraft II UMS maps through the use of a toggle, and can carry more items than heroes in Warcraft III.
  • Blizzard will try to ensure that heroes and units can also gain experience in Galaxy,[10] although this ability will likely not be available in the campaign or standard multiplayer games. This will enable map styles such as Defense of the Ancients to be reproduced in StarCraft II.
  • Map makers can define any number of custom attributes for a hero, based on their level.[26] However, the UI can only display three attributes.
  • The footprint of structures can be adjusted to whatever the editor desires (such as 'square' buildings).[7]


  • The UI can be customized, but it is not a user-friendly process. The files are externalized, and while they can be edited, there will not be support for that.
  • The map editor is being designed to handle third-person shooting maps.
  • Blizzard was able to design an old-fashioned 'Lost Vikings' top-scrolling space shooter game within the editor.
  • The map editor can create new HUDs, quest interfaces and dialogue. It even supports 'mouselook', so moving the mouse influences the player's view.


Starcraft 2 map editor crack free
  • Upgrades can be extended arbitrarily, and can be modified using triggers.
  • Custom races are supported, even with melee maps.
  • There will be support for one more resource.
  • The AI will be script-driven and completely exposed. It will attempt to analyze data and see what the player is doing without 'cheating', instead scouting.
  • The entire zerg reveal trailer was made in the level editor, including the Blizzard logo.
  • 'Wrap-around' maps can be made, so that units that walk off one edge will appear on the other side. However, they cannot exchange shots.
  • Story Mode Space is all done in the map. Heroes from Story Mode can appear in-game, and in-game units such as the Thor can appear in Story Mode.
  • Information can be stored in 'banks', such as characters, which can be moved from map to maps and games.
  • All information for maps will be stored within the map file (such as sound files). Mods can be made available as a single mod pack.

Galaxy Language[edit]

The editor features a proprietary scripting language called Galaxy based on C, but users will also have access to the more user friendly Trigger Editor which will allow beginner and intermediate map designers to make advanced maps without having to learn the scripting language.

Galaxy will not be object-oriented, but most of the functionality is based on modifying game objects.

Triggers will be able to 'communicate' with each other. The editor supports custom function definitions; for instance, a map maker can create their own actions built up from actions (or custom script code) and use them in triggers.

Galaxy features a 'garbage collection' system which will prevent memory leaks.



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  • Hi community

    I try to load several maps in SC2 i placed the maps in my documentsmaps and both format *.s2ma and *.sc2map in 2 different locations

    first was in:

    ...DocumentsStarCraft IIMaps


    ...Program FilesStarCraft IIMaps

    And when i enter the game and click on Ai Verus the maps dont appear

    what im doing wrong? :(

    the maps i try to load are Shakuras Plateau Novice and Scrap Station

    Posted 2010-07-28
  • Hmm i thought that was where maps go?

    Posted 2010-07-31
  • its because u play the cracked version and this is not gonna work for ai.
    if im wrong. nvm
    but you should go and buy the original one to get the maps installed ;)

    Posted 2010-07-31
  • Gain access to the map editor, download the updated Blizzard maps.
    Open a map with editor and:
    1- Go to Map -* Player properties: set one of the players (not player 1 because its you) `Control` to be a computer and `AI` to be a computer too (there you also * name, color, race, and start * for you and for the AI, leave `Decals` to stay `Default`). Make sure Player 1 `Control` is set to `User` (no need to set anything for Player 1 in `AI`)
    2- Go to Modules -* Triggers: then right click on `Events` (orange flag) -* `New` -* `New Action` then on the left * `Player` and on the right * `Set Player Difficulty Level` and press OK.
    3- In `Set player _` be sure to set the number of the player you set to be a computer and in `Difficulty Level To _` set the difficulty level you want to play (easy, medium, hard etc.)
    4- Go to File -* Test Document: and you are in the game! (don`t panic if the `validate SC2 license...` pops up, it should disappear after a couple of seconds).

    Posted 2010-07-31
  • Thk U!!!

    Posted 2010-08-02
  • and where is the location for the edited maps to make the game recognize it?

    Posted 2010-08-02
  • i did it how you wrote but game still can´t find maps, i think i have them in wrong directory, help pls

    Posted 2010-08-02
  • i do it...but y they said 'Tied' ?

    Posted 2010-08-03
  • thanks for the tip

    Posted 2010-08-20
  • done it, where to put the the edited maps? still it wont show in the versus ai window.


    Posted 2010-08-20
  • Anyone successfully solve this problem?

    Posted 2010-08-24
  • Same problem, help me 2. <333

    Posted 2010-08-24
  • Use the SC2Allin1 tool, otherwise, i believe you have to publish custom maps before you can play them.

    Posted 2010-08-25
  • help me too!we have the same problem

    Posted 2010-08-26
  • SAME FREAKIN PROBLeM!!! I tried copernic's solution but then it pops out a eror thing, it said something about the triggers, is maybe i'm using a crack or something? not really good with things like this PLZ HELP!! oh, and i'm using the Razor 1911 crack. PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPZLPZLLZPLZPLZ help

    Posted 2010-08-30
  • Read the post before please... To view maps there, you either have to have published the map yourself, which includes having bought the game, or USE THE SC2ALLIN1 TOOL.

    Posted 2010-08-31
  • differentkind of problem

    i am using sc2allin1tool
    selected the map
    enter setting
    then i click launch
    a loading screen comes up
    it finishes loading
    and then

    im the game but i see nothing
    by that i mean all i see is the terrain
    and all is dark/fog of war
    no units, no nothin
    and theres also 3 huge silver/white balls at the bottom of the screen

    i've tried rstart.
    save and then load diretly in sc2, no load file show up.

    pls. anyone help me

    Posted 2010-08-31
  • A blank map is usually caused by an incorrect loading of the AI or map. You could try loading the game with one of blizzard's official maps first to determine what the problem is.

    Posted 2010-08-31
  • thanks, its working now
    seems like it was a problem with the map packs i dled
    tried one of the official maps to test and ended up playing for an hour

    Posted 2010-08-31
  • used the aSC2Allin tool downloaded here, works perfectly.

    just unziped the downloaded file, doubleclicked the desktop shortcut and loaded a map, then opened the SC2 editor, loaded the 'lastmap allin something' file and followed the instructions.

    copernic and veior, thanks a lot!! ;]

    Posted 2010-09-06
  • Just a question? How can i play the VERSUS AI maps with the possibility to build all units. Why we don't have access to build them all?

    Posted 2010-09-06
  • @Mr.T: No you do not have access in Versus Ai to all units because the technology of the terrans has changed since last game. Every new unit acomplished a role of the old units and for example let's take the Hellion: Fast: from Vulture | Flames: from Firebat.
    Goliath and Valkyrie were taken care of by the Viking and so on goes a preety big list.

    Posted 2010-09-06
  • You have access to all multiplayer units. Some units you see in campaign are limited to campaign only to prevent unbalancing of the game, otherwise, terran would be severely overpowered.

    Posted 2010-09-06
  • K, i solved it. If u have cracked version of the game u need to download melee maps first. If u download them from Nibbits, you have to change the extension from .s2ma to .SC2map and then u will be able to open it with Map Editor. After u opened it, like Copernic said, clik on 'Map' and then 'Player Properties'. Make sure that 'Player 1' 'Control' is set to user because thats u. Then click on some other player and set 'Control' to computer. Set 'AI' of that player to computer as well. Doing that with more players, will make u set more enemies. U can also set their race and start location in 'Player Properties' although it is initially set to random. Computer's difficulty is somewhere about easy i would say. He does build various units and uses different tactics and expands his base, but does all this quite slowly, so u have enough time to test various ur own various units and tactics. U can change the difficulty through the trigger editor, but I havent tried this yet, so check Copernic's thread.

    Posted 2010-09-08
  • ... and I forgot... To start the game, in the map editor click 'File' and then 'Test document. You can also use 'SC2all in 1 tool' but it is known to bug games sometimes...

    Posted 2010-09-08
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